New team members...

Despite the snow and the global pandemic, Hope Architects team has already grown this year, with two new Architectural Assistants starting work with us!

Isaac Shepherd studied at the Welsh School of Architecture in Cardiff, and hails from Holmfirth. He started with the practice at the beginning of the New Year and is already proving his worth, helping out on projects our clients currently have under consideration for planning approval, as well as with the development of some exciting new house designs.

Matty McGregor graduated from Sheffield University last year, but is originally from Southport. He’s only been with the business for a week, but he’s already helped us survey some potential new studio space, and is helping us produce an unusual bespoke house design for a site in the north-west.

Both new members have had to start their architectural careers in the unusual lockdown situation we’re all currently working in. We’ve always believed in flexible working, and our studio is a space for collaboration and discussion as much as it is a place of work, but nonetheless, just a couple of days in the office then working from home is a challenge for anyone starting a new job! They’ve both done brilliantly so far, but we’re looking forward to a day when we can all meet up in the same room - maybe then this blog post will feature the team photo it so richly deserves…

Hope Architects is busy expanding fast to help us deliver for our clients on a variety of new projects. We’re investigating new studio spaces, and we ‘re expecting more team members to join us in the next few weeks. Watch this space to see how things develop!


Déjà vu


Planning approval, and our new studio